Laser Circumcision: Procedure, Recovery and What to Expect

Laser circumcision, often referred to as laser-assisted circumcision, is a modern and commonly performed surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin, a retractable fold of skin covering the glans, or the head of the penis. This blog aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of laser circumcision, its procedure, potential benefits, postoperative care and recovery, and its potential risks and complications.

What is Laser Circumcision?

A laser circumcision surgery is a modern, minimally-invasive urological procedure that uses a highly focused beam of laser to remove the foreskin.

A laser circumcision operation is generally performed on an outpatient basis and does not take more than 10-15 minutes to complete. 

A laser circumcision can be performed for various reasons. While in some cases, it can be of cultural or religious significance (known as sunthi operation), circumcision can also be performed as a safe and effective treatment for foreskin conditions such as phimosis, paraphimosis, and recurrent balanitis. If you are struggling with any foreskin conditions or looking to undergo circumcision for aesthetic or religious reasons, laser foreskin removal surgery may be a suitable option for you.

How to Prepare for Laser Circumcision Procedure?

Before arriving at the hospital, your urologist will likely instruct you to follow some simple guidelines and steps to ensure a smooth and complication-free surgical procedure. Some guidelines that you may need to follow are given below:
  • Make sure to leave any jewelry, ornaments, and contact lenses at home. You do not need them in a hospital, and they may interfere with the procedure.
  • Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes that do not rub against the surgical site. 
  • Discuss the dietary precautions you need to take for the surgery with your urologist. Usually, urologists instruct patients not to eat or drink anything for 12 hours before surgery. 
  • Due to anesthetic after-effects, you won’t be able to drive yourself home after the surgery. It is advisable to plan ahead and have someone drive you home or at least accompany you in a cab.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol or smoking for at least 48 hours leading up to the surgery. These can not only slow down your recovery process but may also result in anesthesia-related complications.
  • Make sure to take at least a few days off from work. Each patient has different healing abilities. And while most patients can return to their daily routine in just 2-3 days, you may need to wait longer.

How is Laser Circumcision Procedure Performed?

A laser circumcision operation is typically performed under local anesthesia. However, depending on your overall health and age, your surgeon may also consider the use of general anesthesia as well. The operation will only begin once you are completely sedated.  In a laser circumcision procedure, the surgeon cuts off the foreskin using a high-energy laser beam to cut and remove the foreskin. The cuts are made along a predetermined incision line. Due to its precise nature, there is almost no bleeding, and wound edges are also clean. The procedure also ensures the preservation of surrounding tissue and is generally considered best for tissue conservation.  The entire procedure does not last for more than 15-20 minutes and, compared to traditional methods, requires minimal recovery time. Laser circumcision is also preferred over other procedures as there is very little postoperative pain or discomfort associated with it.

Benefits of Laser Circumcision

Due to its advanced and minimally invasive nature, laser circumcision offers various benefits over traditional methods, such as:
  • Minimal Bleeding: A surgical laser operates at a very high temperature. Due to this, it immediately cauterizes any blood vessels that may have been cut, resulting in minimal bleeding during the procedure.
  • Minimized Trauma: A laser circumcision operation is an extremely precise procedure that causes minimal damage to the surrounding tissue. As a result, it provides better cosmetic results and reduces postoperative pain and discomfort. 
  • Faster Healing: The combination of precise incisions and minimally-invasive nature, laser circumcision provides quicker wound healing. On average, complete recovery after a laser circumcision procedure takes about 7-10 days. Most patients can return to their daily activities in just 2-3 days.
  • Low Risk of Infection: Laser circumcision's cauterization effect on blood vessels can help reduce the risk of infection by sealing potential entry points for bacteria. This can contribute to a smoother healing process and decreased chances of post-operative complications.
  • Outpatient Procedure: As previously mentioned, laser circumcision operation is generally performed on an outpatient basis, meaning patients can go home on the same day of the procedure. This minimizes the need for hospital stays and allows for a more convenient recovery process.

Recovery After Laser Circumcision

As mentioned previously, recovery after laser circumcision can take anywhere from 7-10 days to complete. Most patients can return to work and their daily routine in just 2-3 days. However, depending on your overall health and the quality of postoperative care, the recovery duration may vary. To minimize the chances of any postoperative complications and ensure a smooth recovery process, your urologist may also lay out some easy-to-follow guidelines such as:


  • Keep the surgical area clean. Use mild soap and water. Avoid scrubbing or using harsh soaps. 
  • Maintain good genital hygiene. Change dressing as needed and avoid using any scented products on the surgical site.
  • Wear loose-fitting clothes to prevent friction and irritation in the surgical area. Breathable fabrics like cotton are recommended.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink at least 7-8 cups of water on a daily basis. 
  • Take ample rest. Perform light exercises such as walking and yoga. Avoid any strenuous activities such as weight lifting or cycling.
  • Attend all follow-up consultations. Make sure to let your urologist know about any persistent side effects or odd signs during recovery. 


  • Avoid swimming or public baths until your healthcare provider thinks it's safe to do so. 
  • Refrain from sexual activity. Engaging in sexual activity until your urologist recommends it may hinder the healing process and cause complications.
  • Avoid tight-fitting clothes or clothes that cause excessive friction and irritation to the surgical site.
  • Avoid any strenuous activity or exercises that may exert excessive pressure on the surgical site.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol or tobacco for at least a week after surgery. Alcohol can significantly reduce your healing abilities.
  • Do not ignore any signs of infection or odd signs of recovery. If you notice symptoms such as redness, swelling, warmth, pus discharge, or foul odor from the surgical site, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Risks and Complications

Chances of any complications, either during or after laser circumcision surgery, are rare. However, they can still happen and should not be taken lightly. Some complications that may occur after your laser treatment for the penis are given below:
  • Excessive Bleeding: While mild-to-moderate bleeding is to be expected after any kind of surgical procedure, excessive or persistent bleeding may be a sign of complication. If you are facing symptoms of excessive bleeding that does not seem to stop on its own, contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. 
  • Skin Adhesions: While the formation of penile adhesions is highly unlikely, especially with laser circumcision, they can still happen. Penile adhesions or skin bridges refer to areas of the foreskin that are stuck to the glans. During the process of circumcision, these adhesions need to be cut in order for the foreskin to be removed. If these adhesions are not completely removed, the circumcised edge of the foreskin may be drawn up over one section of the corona and create an unsatisfactory appearance. 
  • Infection: Due to the measures taken by the urologist to maintain a sterile operative environment, the chances of infection are minimal. However, in some cases, it can still happen and should not be taken lightly. If you notice symptoms of an infection, such as fever, chills, redness, and drainage of yellowish pus from the incision site, it is imperative to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Most cases can be treated with antibiotics if detected early on. However, delayed treatment may include surgical intervention.
  • Excessive Pain: Mild pain and discomfort after any kind of surgical procedure is to be expected and considered normal. To help relieve pain, your urologist may also prescribe you some medications. However, excessive or persistent pain that does not subside on its own could be a sign of complication. In such a case, it is advisable to consult your urologist immediately.
  • Delayed Healing: As is the case with any other surgical procedure, chances of delayed or abnormal healing are present with laser foreskin removal surgery as well. Prior to surgery, your urologist will likely perform a series of tests to understand your overall health better and minimize any chances of abnormal or delayed healing as much as possible.
  • Insufficient Removal of the Foreskin: Laser circumcision is a highly advanced and precise procedure. As a result, cases of insufficient foreskin removal are very rare. However, some patients have reported ineffective treatment of their foreskin problem or unsatisfactory cosmetic results. In such a case, you may require a revision procedure for correction.


While a circumcision procedure can be intimidating at first, modern advancements in medical science have made the procedure extremely safe and minimally invasive in nature. A laser foreskin removal surgery is an extremely precise procedure and, as a result, requires minimal recovery time and a significantly reduced risk of any complications.  Laser circumcision can be performed for a wide variety of reasons. While in some cases, it can prove to be an effective treatment for various foreskin-related issues, it can also be performed for religious significance. No matter the reason, however, proper consultation is always crucial. If you are considering undergoing laser circumcision, contact us today and book your consultation with our highly qualified and experienced team of urologists. 


Is laser circumcision better than conventional methods?

Laser circumcision surgery is generally considered to be an effective method of treating various foreskin-related conditions. Compared to conventional methods of foreskin removal, laser circumcision is minimally invasive, requires minimal recovery time, and carries significantly less risk of any complications as well.

How much does laser circumcision cost in India?

The average cost of laser circumcision in India can start from Rs. 25,000 and go as high as Rs. 35,000. However, depending on various factors such as consultation charges, operating charges, method of surgery, the city you are in, and hospital charges, the overall surgery cost is likely to vary. 

Is laser circumcision covered by insurance in India?

Yes, laser circumcision surgery is generally covered by most health insurance plans in India if treatment is deemed to be medically necessary by your healthcare provider.

When is laser circumcision required?

A laser circumcision treatment may be a suitable option for you if:
  • You are unhappy with the looks, size, and shape of your foreskin
  • You have pain or discomfort while urinating
  • You are unable to retract your foreskin
  • Your penis is exhibiting symptoms of infection, such as foul-smelling discharge
  • Your penis is swollen
  • You notice blood on the tip of your penis

When can I have sex after laser treatment for my penis?

Generally, urologists recommend abstinence from sexual intercourse for at least 5-6 weeks. Engaging in sexual intercourse before giving your penis enough time to heal could result in a multitude of complications, such as infection or skin tearing. 

When can I return to work after laser circumcision surgery?

If you have a desk job, you can likely return to your daily routine in just 2-3 days after surgery. However, if your work entails physical labor that may exert excessive force on your surgical wound, it is advisable to wait at least a week before returning to work.

Our Surgeon for Circumcision Surgery

Dr. Amol Gosavi

Dr. Amol Gosavi

MBBS, MS - General Surgery

25 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Milind Joshi

Dr. Milind Joshi

MBBS, MS - General Surgery

25 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Naveed Pasha Sattar

Dr. Naveed Pasha Sattar

MBBS, MS, DNB- General Surgery

24 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Raja H

Dr. Raja H

MBBS, MS, DNB- General Surgery

24 Years Experience Overall

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