Experts- How to Heal Faster After Circumcision?

Circumcision by Experienced Surgeons - Most successful and permanent treatment for foreskin issues like phimosis, paraphimosis or tight foreskin.

सुंता म्हणजे काय?

खंता म्हणजे पुरुषाचे जननेंद्रिय झाकणारी पुढची त्वचा शस्त्रक्रियेने काढून टाकणे. या प्रक्रियेदरम्यान, शल्यचिकित्सक पुढची त्वचा कापण्यासाठी तिसऱ्या पिढीचे ZSR उपकरण वापरतात. त्वचेच्या फाटलेल्या कडांना सिलिकॉन रिंगने सील केले जाते जे काही दिवसात स्वतःच पडते. सिलिकॉन रिंगमुळे रुग्णाला वेदना जाणवणार नाहीत किंवा इतर कोणतेही दुष्परिणाम होणार नाहीत. सुंता झाल्यानंतर दुसऱ्या दिवसापासून रुग्ण आपले नियमित जीवन जगू शकतो.

एखाद्याला सुंता शस्त्रक्रियेची कधी आवश्यकता असू शकते?

  • फिमोसिस
  • पॅराफिमोसिस
  • बॅलेनिटिस
  • बॅलेनिटिस जेरोटिका ऑब्लिटरन्स किंवा बीएक्सओ
  • वारंवार मूत्रमार्गात संक्रमण
  • पेनाईल कॅन्सर किंवा प्रीकॅन्सरस ट्यूमर

उपचारानंतर परिणाम

Improve Sexual Health

लैंगिक आरोग्य सुधारा

Relief from Pain

वेदना पासून आराम

Reduce Chances of UTI

यूटीआयची शक्यता कमी करा

Reduce Risk of STDs

एसटीडीचा धोका कमी करा

सुंता शस्त्रक्रियेसाठी आमचे सर्जन

Dr. Amol Gosavi

Dr. Amol Gosavi

MBBS, MS - General Surgery

25 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Milind Joshi

Dr. Milind Joshi

MBBS, MS - General Surgery

25 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Naveed Pasha Sattar

Dr. Naveed Pasha Sattar

MBBS, MS, DNB- General Surgery

24 Years Experience Overall

Dr. Raja H

Dr. Raja H

MBBS, MS, DNB- General Surgery

24 Years Experience Overall

सतत विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


What is circumcision and why is it performed?

Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the foreskin covering the tip of the penis. It's often performed for religious, cultural, or medical reasons such as preventing recurrent urinary tract infections or treating conditions like phimosis (tight foreskin).


At what age can circumcision be performed in India?

Circumcision can be performed at any age in India. For religious or cultural reasons, it's often done in infancy or early childhood. However, it can also be performed in adolescents or adults, particularly for medical reasons.


How is the circumcision procedure performed?

There are several techniques for circumcision. Common methods include the use of a specialized clamp or ring. In all methods, the foreskin is separated from the head of the penis and then cut off. The procedure is typically performed under local or general anesthesia.


Is circumcision painful?

The circumcision procedure is typically performed under anesthesia, so the patient should not feel pain during the procedure. Post-operatively, some discomfort or pain is normal but can be managed with prescribed pain relief medications.


What are the risks associated with circumcision?

As with any surgery, circumcision has potential risks. These can include infection, excessive bleeding, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. There could also be complications like improper healing, pain during erection, or a decrease in sensation during sexual activity.


What is the recovery period after circumcision?

It usually takes about 7-10 days for the penis to heal after a circumcision. During this period, there may be swelling, discomfort, or sensitivity. It is important to keep the area clean and avoid any activities that might cause injury, such as rigorous physical activities or sexual activities, until completely healed.


How will circumcision impact sexual function?

The impact of circumcision on sexual function varies among individuals. Some report a decrease in sensitivity, which may slightly alter sexual experience, while others notice little to no change. It's important to note that circumcision doesn't affect a man's fertility.


Is circumcision necessary for hygiene?

While it's true that circumcision can make it simpler to wash the penis, good hygiene can be maintained without circumcision. Regular washing and cleaning under the foreskin can generally keep the area clean and prevent infections.


Are there alternatives to circumcision for treating conditions like phimosis?

Yes, there are alternative treatments to circumcision for conditions like phimosis. These may include topical steroid creams, preputioplasty (a surgical procedure that loosens the foreskin without removing it), or gradual stretching of the foreskin.


Is circumcision covered by health insurance in India?

Coverage for circumcision varies widely among health insurance providers in India. If the procedure is being done for medical reasons, insurance may cover some or all of the costs. However, if it's performed for cultural or religious reasons, it may not be covered. It's best to check with your individual insurance provider for specifics.

Postoperative Care & Recovery

On an average, recovery after a circumcision in adults can take anywhere from 6-7 days to complete. Depending on the method of your surgery, your overall health and quality of postoperative care, the exact duration of your recovery period may vary. During this period, it is important to strictly follow any medications or recovery tips that may have been prescribed by your urologist to reduce the chances of postoperative complications as much as possible. Mentioned below are some simple tips that may help you recover faster after your circumcision surgery:

  • After the surgery, it is considered normal for the penis to be sensitive for the first 2 weeks and it is important to keep the surgical site dry for the first 48 hours after surgery.
  • Pain from adult circumcision is typically mild and does not require any special medications but your doctor may prescribe you some mild medications for pain management and faster recovery. It is important to take such medications as instructed by your urologist.
  • Avoid any physical activity or movements that may put too much strain or pressure on the site of surgery.
  • Wear comfortable and supportive underwear that can hold the head of the penis towards the belly button lying flat.
  • When taking a shower, be careful not to apply any soap or gel over the surgical site for at least a few weeks. Avoid harsh towels and use soft towels to gently pat the area dry instead.

Why Choose Us for Circumcision?

We understand that the decision to undergo any kind of surgical procedure can be difficult. Modern advancements in technology and medicine, however, have made procedures like circumcision increasingly effective while being minimally invasive. Our expert team of urologists have 10+ years of experience in performing a multitude of surgical procedures, including circumcision, without any complications or major side effects. To constantly improve your experience with us, we also provide:

  • Post-surgery follow-ups with no additional costs
  • Affordable no-cost EMI options
  • State-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure
  • A free-of-cost cab facility on the day of surgery
  • Dedicated care coordinator for round-the-clock medical assistance
  • Flexible payment options including cash, cheque, debit card, credit card or finance

So get in touch with us and book an appointment with our urologist if you are planning to undergo circumcision surgery in India.

Risks and Complications Involved in Circumcision

While circumcision is generally considered to be one of the safest and the most commonly performed surgical procedures, as is the case with any other surgery, there are some risks and complications that could occur either during or after surgery. While such cases are rare, they can still happen, and it is important to keep a close eye on any unexpected symptoms that may arise after your surgery and inform your urologist about them. Some of the common complications that can occur after a circumcision procedure are given below:

  • Excessive bleeding: Bleeding is one of the most common complications that may occur after circumcision. While some bleeding after the surgery is to be expected, excessive or prolonged bleeding may require medical attention.
  • Infection: If proper hygiene and postoperative care are not maintained, the surgical wound may become infected. Signs of infection may include increased redness, swelling, pus and fever. If you are noticing any of these symptoms, it is advised to discuss them with your healthcare provider as soon as possible.
  • Excessive or insufficient removal of the foreskin: In some cases, there may be too much or too little removal of the foreskin resulting in cosmetic or functional problems. In such a case, you may need to undergo a second circumcision procedure.
  • Scarring: Similar to any other surgical procedure, circumcisions can leave scars. However, proper wound care and strict postoperative care help minimize the extent and visibility of the scarring.
  • Complications from anesthesia: While complications of any kind due to anesthesia are rare, they can still happen and may require immediate attention from the surgeon. Some side effects from anesthesia, such as nausea, vomiting, and chills are considered normal and should subside on their own. However, if they continue to persist, it is advisable to contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

सुंता शस्त्रक्रियेसाठी सर्वोत्तम सर्जनचा सल्ला घ्या